Published inCodeXProblem-Solving Using the Five Focusing StepsAfter a four-decade career, I’ve come to realize that most organizations, and most managers and leaders, aren’t very good and finding and…Oct 30, 2021Oct 30, 2021
Published inCodeXEmpiricism: Using Science to Solve Complex ProblemsRecently on a LinkedIn forum, a poster mentioned that empiricism was not scientific, that “Agile software ‘engineers’ use empiricism but…Jul 28, 20212Jul 28, 20212
Published inCodeXSix Steps to Pass the Agile TestA detailed approach to applying inspect-and-adapt to the problems that cause you to struggle with ScrumApr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Published inCodeXAre You Failing the Agile Test?Stop trying to do things better, and start trying to do things differently if you want to improve your ability to deliver value.Apr 15, 2021Apr 15, 2021